Breakfast Sausage Selection

Beef Breakfast Sausage

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt

Chicken Breakfast Cheese Sausage

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt

Chicken Breakfast Garlic Sausage

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt

Chicken Breakfast Mushroom Sausage

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt

Chicken Breakfast Sausage

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt

Chicken Cocktail Herb

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt

Chicken Cocktail Sausage

Capacity: 1.0kg/pkt


Tian Song Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (“TSM”) was established in the 1990’s, a leading player in the frozen food distribution industry. For more than 30 years, TSM has been providing frozen meats, seafood, processed food, dried food and other refrigerated food products to hotels, resorts, restaurants, traditional retailers as well as selling directly to consumers. 

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